Chilli Cheddar Shortbread Biscuits

chilli cheddar shortbread biscuits.JPEG

These Chilli Cheddar Shortbread Biscuits are so moorish they will probably disappear as you pull them out of the oven. The cheddar cheese makes them salty and the chilli adds a savory heat.

These are great made ahead of time for a charcuterie board!

Chilli Cheddar Shortbread Biscuits

  • 225 grams butter softened

  • 2 1/2 cups plain white flour

  • 200 grams sharp cheddar cheese

  • 2 red chillies

  • 2 teaspoons cracked black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. De-seed and finely chop the red chillies (green chillies would be fine but the red looks pretty, I wish I was kidding). Place in large bowl. Grate cheddar cheese and add to the same bowl.

  2. Place butter, salt, and pepper to the same bowl as the chillies and cheese. Mix together thoroughly.

  3. Sift flour into the mixture. Use either a mixer or a wooden spoon, keep mixing until there is no dry flour left but don’t over mix.

  4. Using clean hands knead dough a little if it’s still crumbly until it’s combined into one ball. Shape dough into a long log shape. You will be slicing this log into your biscuits, so the size is your choice. If you want mini biscuits you would make a much skinnier log and adjust cooking times accordingly.

  5. Wrap in glad wrap/cling film and roll the log a little more for good shape. Place in fridge for 1 hour minimum.

  6. Once log is hard, unwrap the log. Slice log into 1 cm or 1/4 inch disks and place onto a baking paper lined baking tray. Reshape any disks with your fingers that may have a flat side from when you were slicing.

  7. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C / 355 degrees F fan bake. Place biscuits in oven for 12 - 14 minutes depending on your oven. Pull from oven when golden.

  8. Cool on tray for several minutes and then move to wire rack, these can crumble a little when warm still.

Enjoy while they last!

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