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Ground Pork Sage Stuffing

Ground Pork Sage Stuffing with Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Look no further, you have found the most flavor-packed ground pork stuffing recipe! This herb and sun-dried tomato-infused pork stuffing recipe is extremely delicious.

The smell of it cooking in your home is mouthwatering and makes it feel a little cozy in your home.

A ground pork stuffing recipe is made traditionally made with crusty bread, ground pork, broth, herbs, and celery which is all baked together in a baking pan in a piping hot oven for up to an hour.

Everyone has their own personal spin on this type of recipe and mine is no exception!

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • Ground pork - yes you can use ground pork for stuffing! It’s the perfect ingredient for this recipe.

  • Crunchy sourdough bread - I prefer to use sourdough bread over white bread, it has a much more complex flavor profile which is a nice addition to the stuffing and it’s typically very crusty so no need to use stale bread.

  • Sage - apart from being one of the most festive herbs, it pairs perfectly with Pork.

  • Sun-dried tomatoes, this ingredient packs a punch. It has a much stronger flavor than a fresh tomato, when baked into the stuffing its flavor mellows down but still retains it’s tartness. The tartness balances out the fat from the pork.

  • Red onion really sends it to Mediterranean heaven.

  • Dried dill - one of my favorite herbs of all time, it works well with Pork without overpowering the dish.

  • Garlic - Adds a pungent and super savory flavor to the dish.

  • Apple cider vinegar - this is one of my secret weapons for creating a depth of flavor. Without the vinegar the dish will taste a little flatter.

  • Vegetable stock - kind of the glue that holds it all together, the moister from the vegetable stock is an absolute must. Ground Pork and sourdough bread are very dry ingredients so the stock not only gives it moister but it balances out the texture of the overall dish.

  • I also garnish with pickled red onion, fresh sage, & goats cheese but that is totally optional!

This recipe is perfect as a Thanksgiving Day stuffing or Christmas stuffing but honestly, it’s great any night of the year particularly in the cooler months.

I also love to take this to dinner when I’m asked to bring a plate, everyone loves it because it’s delish (obviously!) but also a fun twist on a classic.

Ground Pork Stuffing Recipe Tips:

  • Get some brown-golden color on that pork mince, that will boost the flavor tremendously.

  • Don’t overcook, this type of recipe is better when there is still some moister in middle. If you find it’s drying out to much, then add a little more stock or cover with foil for part of the cook.

  • You can substitute ground pork mince with pork sausages, just remove the casings.

  • Apple cider vinegar can be substituted for red wine vinegar.

  • Substituting the sun-dried tomatoes for fresh tomatoes will not give it the same flavor.

  • Alter the cooking time based on your oven. Everyone’s oven is different, some have hot spots, some run hotter or colder than what it’s set too. No one wants really dry stuffing.

Enjoy! Paige x

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