Tangy Green Chili Basil Pasta

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This midweek dinner or lunch pasta dish is super lush, tangy, rich, and dairy free! The sauce is tangy from the vinegar, a little spicy from the chilies (green is milder) and really rich from the basil, spinach, & EVOO.

It also tastes extremely tasty chilled the next day. Sometimes I serve this with baked chicken breast sliced. I prefer to eat gluten free pasta where I can, I feel better for it but either type of pasta works great!

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  • Using penne pasta catches the yummy sauce, so it is better than using spaghetti.

  • Add the sauce to the pasta while the pasta is still warm. It will soak up all the flavor that way.

  • I’m not sure if i prefer it hot or cold the next day because they both taste so good!

  • Sometimes I serve this with baked chicken breast sliced for protein. Some gluten free pastas are protein based though, so look out for those!

Tangy Green Chili Basil Pasta

Tangy Green Chili Basil Sauce

  • 2 cups fresh basil firmly packed

  • 1 cup fresh baby spinach firmly packed

  • 2 green chilies

  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil EVOO

  • Juice of half a lemon

  • Pinch of sea salt & cracked pepper


  • 4 cups dry penne pasta (gluten free if preferred)

  • Water


  1. Cook & drain pasta according to pasta instructions.

  2. The sauce can be made ahead/during/after the pasta is cooked. I would add it while the pasta is warm so the flavors really amalgamate.

  3. In a blender/food processor/whizz stick, add half the EVOO and the rest of the sauce ingredients.

  4. Blend for 1 - 2 minutes. The sauce will be quite thick.

  5. Add the rest of the EVOO, blend for another minutes. Taste, season with salt & pepper to your liking.

  6. Combine with pasta & serve.

Enjoy! x

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